Перевести на язык,но без переводчика. не переживай из-за мнения окружающих людей. если у человека не так много денег,то это не значит,что он плохой или не интересный. те люди,которые ценят человека только за материальное состояние во многом не правы. они могут и сами оказаться на твоем месте. ты молодец,что не сидишь сложа рука,а усердно работаешь и стараешься сам заработать деньги и родителям. я уверена,в будущем у тебя все наладится и ты будешь счастливым человеком. люди должны ценить друг друга не из-за денег,а из-за твоего характера,поведения,чувства юмора..один словом за твой внутренний мир.

Andrew12331 Andrew12331    3   05.06.2019 23:10    2

pzuzuk pzuzuk  01.10.2020 20:13
Do not worry about other people's opinion . If a person is not so much money , it does not mean that it's bad or not fun . Those people who appreciate the person just for the material condition is largely wrong. They may themselves be in your shoes .  You're done , that did not sit with folded hand and hard work and try to earn money himself and help parents . I'm sure in the future you all will be adjusted and you will be a very happy man.  People need to appreciate each other not because of money , but because of your character , behavior, sense of humor .. One word for your inner world .
Как-то так
стланка стланка  01.10.2020 20:13
Don't worry because of opinion of surrounding people. If the person has not a lot of money, it doesn't mean that he bad or not the interesting. Those people who appreciate the person only a material state in many respects aren't right. They can appear also on your place.  You are the good fellow that you don't sit сложа a hand, and diligent you work and you try to earn itself money and to help parents. I am sure, in the future at you everything will be adjusted and you will be very happy person. People have to appreciate each other not because of money, and because of your character, behavior, sense of humour. One word for your inner world.
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