Перевести на театр находится напротив зоопарка городская церковь находится в центре города цирк находится вверху улицы спортивный магазин находится после галереи центральный парк находится в низу улицы концертный зал находится возле дороги

Kirillpakharenko Kirillpakharenko    3   16.06.2019 09:00    0

влад22771 влад22771  13.07.2020 07:21
Вот) Theatre is opposite the zoo
City Church is located in the city center
Circus is at the top of the street
sports shop is after gallery
Central Park is located in the bottom of the street
Concert Hall is located near the road.
tanyakondratev2 tanyakondratev2  13.07.2020 07:21
Theatre is oppositethe zoo
City Church is located in the city center
Circus is at the top of the street
sports shop is after gallery
Central Park is located in the bottom of the street
Concert Hall is located near the road
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