Перевести на . сейчас проходил тему не правильные глаголы, а я в мой вчерашний день начался в 07: 00 утра. я умылась, почистила зубы, после чего позавтракала. оделась и пошла в школу. со школы я пришла в 14: 30. придя со школы я покушала, сделала уроки и пошла в художественную школу. вернулась я оттуда в 20: 00. позже я поужинала и легла спать. заранее ))

quipklack quipklack    2   26.08.2019 12:20    0

dan5259oxnhwz dan5259oxnhwz  20.08.2020 15:53
My yesterday started at 07:00 in the morning. I washed, brushed my teeth, and then breakfasted. I got dressed and went to school. From school I came at 14:30. After coming to school I ate, did my homework and went to art school. I returned from there at 20:00. Later I supped and went to bed.
nastjaivanova20 nastjaivanova20  20.08.2020 15:53
Help translate into English.Now the topic was not the correct verbs, And I'm in English ... nothingMy yesterday started at 07:00 in the morning. I washed, brushed my teeth, and then breakfasted. I got dressed and went to school. From school I came at 14:30. After coming to school I ate, did my homework and went to art school. I returned from there at 20:00. Later I supped and went to bed.
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