Перевести на и составить к каждому предложению вопрос 1) little charles dickens was sent to work-he earned his living (to tarn one’s living – зарабатывать на жизнь). 2) the conductor boxed edison’s ear, and the boy became almost deaf (to box one’s ear – ударить в ухо). 3) the test-tube is on the table. 4) the boy broke the window. 5) it is light in the room.

nuramanjol nuramanjol    3   09.06.2019 05:40    2

нарешатор нарешатор  08.07.2020 02:00
1) Little Charles Dickens was sent to work-he earned
his living.
Маленького Чарльза Диккенса послали на работу-он зарабатывал на жизнь.
Why little Charles Dickens was sent to work?
2) The conductor boxed Edison’s ear, and the boy became
almost deaf (to box one’s ear – ударить в ухо).
Проводник ударил Эдисона в ухо и мальчик стал полностью глухим.
Why did Edison  became almost deaf ?
3) The test-tube is on the table.
Пробирка на столе.
What is on the table?
4) The boy broke the window.
Мальчик сломал окно.
Who was the window broken by?
5) It is light in the room.
В комнате светло. или В комнате свет.
What is in the room?
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