перевести и поставить слова в нужной форме Lady Gaga Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta (1.good) known by her stage na- me Lady Gaga, is an (2.America) pop singer. After (3.perform) in the rock music scene in 2003 she soon signed a contract with Stre- amline Records. She worked as a (4.write song) for a fellow (5.art) and caught attenti- on of the recording artist Akon, who recog- nized her vocal abilities. Gaga became (6.fa- me) after her first album The Fame (2008), which was (7.success) number one on the record charts of six co-: the album was untries. Her (8.two) studio album Born This Way, 2011, topped the charts in all major (9.music) markets. Inspired by pop(10.sing) such as Madonna and Mickael Jac- kson, Gaga is well-recognized for her outre sence of style in fashion, in (11.perform) and in her music videos. She has got 5 Grammy Awards. ​

Mimimishkaaaa Mimimishkaaaa    2   14.11.2020 08:08    323

kateKos1 kateKos1  14.12.2020 08:14

Леди Гага Стефани Джоанн Анджелина Джерманотта (1. хорошо), известная под своим сценическим именем Леди Гага, - поп-певица (2. Америка). После (3. выступления) на рок-сцене в 2003 году она вскоре подписала контракт со Streamline Records. Она работала (4. писать песню) для товарища (5. искусство) и привлекла внимание записывающегося исполнителя Akon, который признал ее вокальные Гага стала (6. я) после своего первого альбома The Fame (2008), который был (7. успех) номером один в хит-парадах шести совместных альбомов: альбом был неудачным. Ее (8. два) студийный альбом Born This Way, 2011, возглавил чарты на всех основных (9. музыкальных) рынках. Вдохновленная поп-музыкой (10. пение), такой как Мадонна и Микаэль Джексон, Гага широко известна своим превосходством стиля в моде, (11. выступлении) и в своих музыкальных клипах. Имеет 5 премий Грэмми. Взаимодействие с другими людьми

missisruso missisruso  12.01.2024 16:53
Lady Gaga Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta (1.is good) known by her stage name Lady Gaga, is an (2.American) pop singer. After (3.performing) in the rock music scene in 2003, she soon signed a contract with Streamline Records. She worked as a (4.songwriter) for a fellow (5.artist) and caught attention of the recording artist Akon, who recognized her vocal abilities. Gaga became (6.famous) after her first album The Fame (2008), which was (7.successfully) number one on the record charts of six countries. Her (8.second) studio album Born This Way, released in 2011, topped the charts in all major (9.music) markets. Inspired by pop (10.singers) such as Madonna and Michael Jackson, Gaga is well-recognized for her outre (11.presence) of style in fashion, in (12.performances), and in her music videos. She has (13.won) 5 Grammy Awards.

1. "Good" is used as an adjective to describe how Lady Gaga is known.
2. "American" is the correct adjective form of "America" to describe the nationality of Lady Gaga.
3. "Performing" is the gerund form of the verb "perform" to show an action in progress.
4. "Songwriter" is a noun form referring to someone who writes songs.
5. "Artist" is a noun form to describe someone involved in the arts.
6. "Famous" is an adjective to describe the state of being well-known.
7. "Successfully" is the adverb form of "success" to describe the level of achievement in terms of chart rankings.
8. "Second" is the correct adjective form of "two" to denote the sequence of albums released.
9. "Music" is used as an adjective to describe the type of markets (music markets).
10. "Singers" is the correct plural form of "singer" to refer to multiple pop singers.
11. "Presence" is a noun to describe the quality of being noticeable or prominent.
12. "Performances" is the noun form to refer to the actions or events of performing.
13. "Won" is the past tense of the verb "win" to indicate the action of receiving the Grammy Awards.
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