Перевести грамотно, без переводчика the state the state is a product of society at a definite stage of its development. private property divides men and allows them to exploit each other and in this way class contradictions begin. the special machinery created by the class of exploiters — the state
helps them to keep order. in a class society the state is an instrument of political power of the ruling class. the state is a system of official institutions and organs. this system of organs is the machinery of government, the state machine. this machine includes such organs as the army, the
police, the courts. the other part of the state machine consists of the system of state organs including the chief of the state (an individual or collective), parliament, government, departments and other organs. these organs are political; they are the organs of state power of the ruling class.
the constitution, legislation or traditions regulate the power of each state organ. different types of states have different functions. that's why we speak about the state only as the historical category.

Ананасик20031 Ананасик20031    3   08.10.2019 16:20    2

rdta rdta  08.10.2019 16:20

просто с переводчиком брат ну ты с времени терпел переводчик лучше

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