1. Many companies are turning to part-time and temporary workers, who are easily added when
business picks up and easily let go when it slows down again.
2. Besides wages and salaries some employees are also paid incentive payments (bonuses,
commissions, fringes) which are cash payments tied to their performance or that of the
company in order to encourage productivity and accountability.
3. Establishing and enforcing health and safety programs to minimize the potential for death,
injury and illness, bvusinesses have often succeeded in cutting their health related losses
4. Although there are fewer jobs for factory workers in troubled “smokestack” industries, the
demand for people with skills in engineering, nursing, paralegal work and many other
technical areas is mushrooming.
5. Layoffs occur because the company is in distress, and they may be temporary, while firings
are permanent removals of employees because of inadequacy.
6. Questions about some job unrelated factors, such as religion, gender, physical handicaps,
arrests records and financial affairs are prohibited because they yield information that can be
used to discriminate against a person illegally.