Перевест без ! 1. как жаль, что он пришел так поздно. мы не успели поговорить о наших проблемах, 2. как жаль, что он не разработал этот проект. 3. как жаль, что нам придется так скоро уехать. 4. обидно, что вы не дождались его прихода. 5. я теперь жалею, что не послушался его совета. 6. обидно, что вас не поняли. 7. жаль, что вы упустили такой шанс. 8. обидно, что ей придется отказаться от такого предложения. 9. как жаль, что он работает допоздна. 10. он , что пришел и с собой друга. 11. я бы хотела быть сейчас в лондоне. 12. как бы мне хотелось говорить по- так же хорошо, как он.

aleks1632 aleks1632    3   20.07.2019 20:20    19

MrFoxTv MrFoxTv  03.10.2020 09:08
1. What a pity that it came so late. We don't have time to talk about our problems, 2. What a pity that he had not developed this project. 3. What a pity that we will have to leave soon. 4. It's a shame that you did not wait for him to come. 5. I now regret not listening to his advice. 6. It's a shame that you did not understand. 7. It is a pity that you missed such a chance. 8. It's a shame that she had to abandon this proposal. 9. What a pity that he's working late. 10. He regretted that he come and bring a friend. 11. I would love to be in London now. 12. How I wish I could speak English as good as he is.
мандаринка20071 мандаринка20071  03.10.2020 09:08
So sorry, that he have came so late. We didn't have no time to talk about our problem. 2) What a piry, that he didn't work out this project. 3) So sorry, that we have to go so soon. 4) It's offensively, that you didn't wait his coming. 5) I feel sorry now, that didn't listen his advice. 6) It's offensively, that you was not understed. 7) It's sorry, that you have miss such chance. 8) It's offensively, that she have to abandon fron such offering. 9) So sorry, that he work before late. 10) He had sorry, that he came and leaded his friend. 11) I would very want to de in London now. 12) How I want to talk English as good, as he do. 
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