Переведите в прямую речь 1.david suggested that on his local radio there should be more programmes about cool things going on in his area. 2. katy said that her mum was going to win a car in one of the radio competitions. 3.olivia said that her favorite radio station played really good music and was very entertaining. 4.emma remembered that when she had been driven to primary school in a taxi they always had the radio on. 5.ben remembered that he had listened to the radio every morning before school and every sunday evening.

nikcentennial nikcentennial    1   20.06.2019 12:30    5

arinahovhannisyan1 arinahovhannisyan1  16.07.2020 12:39

1. David said: "There should be more programmes about cool things going on in his area on my local radio."

2. Katy said : "My mum is going to win a car in one of the radio competitions."

3. Olivia said : "My favorite radio station plays really good music and is very entertaining."

4. Emma said "When I was driven to primary school in a taxi they always had the radio on."

5. Ben said:"I listened to the radio every morning before school and every Sunday evening."

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