Переведите) у нас большая гостиная. есть большой, удобный диван. возле дивана стоят 2 кресла. еще в гостиной есть тумбочка. на ней стоят телевизор и рамка с фотографией. рядом с тумбочкой находится стол. на столе обычно лежат ручки, кроссворды, книга и лампа. еще в гостиной есть шкаф с одеждой. также у нас есть много статуэток. в гостиной я и мои родители смотрим телевизор и отдыхаем.

kaanekiken kaanekiken    3   09.06.2019 09:10    1

joker249 joker249  08.07.2020 07:41
We have a large living-room (ИЛИ sitting-room). There is a big, comfortable sofa. Near the sofa there are 2 armchairs. There is a cabinet in the living-room as well. There is a TV set and a photo frame on it. Next to the cabinet, there is a table. There are usually pens, crossword puzzles and a lamp on the table. Moreover there is a wardrobe in the living-room. We also have a lot of statuettes. My parents and I watch TV and relax in the living-room.
kazakov1206 kazakov1206  08.07.2020 07:41
We have got a large living-room. There is a big comfortable sofa in it. There are two armchairs next to the sofa. There is a drawer unit, too. There is a TV set with a photo frame on it. Beside the drawer unit there is a table. There are usually pens, crossword puzzles, a book and a lamp on it. There is a wardrobe in the living-room as well. We have a lot of statuettes. My parents and I watch TV and take a rest in the living room.
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