Переведите текст . в переводчике не точно переводят "a man is what he eats" - this is what a well-known proverb says. food is a from of fuel. it gives us to grow and resist disease. some foods are better than others in helping make strong muscles (meat,eggs, fish and poultry). some foods are better that others in helping keep bones, teeth. skin and blood healthy (fruit, vegetables, milk and cheese). they say carrots are good for eyes, fish is good for brain. - there are so many kinds of food fast food, snacks, junk food - that it may be difficult to follow a healthy diet. fresh fruit and vegetables are important for a healthy diet. in the past sailors who went on long sea voyages stayed on their ships for many months without going ashore. they did not get fresh food and so often suffered from a disease called scurvy. scurvy is caused by a lack of vitamin c which is fround in fruit and vegetables.
Существует большое количество Фаст фуда, поэтому сложно придерживаться правильного питания. Свежие фрукты и овощи важны для здоровой диеты. Раньше, моряки, отправлявшиеся в далекие путешествия, многие месяцы оставались на своих кораблях, без пребывания на суше. Они оставались без свежей еды и часто болели цингой. Цинга это болезнь, которая возникает из за недостатка витамина С, находящихся во фруктах и овощах