Переведите текст. россия-самая большая страна в мире. в нашей стране много красивых городов, сел, деревень. столица россии - москва. москва - самый большой город страны. россия-многонациональная страна. здесь живут десятки разных народов, больших и малых. все мы называемся россиянами. россия богата зелеными лесами, огромными полями, красивыми озерами и реками. россия красива во все времена. наша родина богата своей культурой. россии созданы знаменитые творения архитектуры, живописи, и музыки. наша страна имеет богатую событиями . россия-сильная и независимая держава с вековыми традициями. моя родина - это россия. я люблю свою родину.

perrrii perrrii    1   12.06.2019 01:40    4

natalivkartoyqc3v natalivkartoyqc3v  02.10.2020 00:26
Russia is the largest country in the world. There are many beautiful towns and villages in our country. The capital of Russia is Moscow. Moscow is the largest city in the country.
Russia is a multinational country. People of dozens of different nations and nationalities, large and small live here. We all are called Russians.
Russia is rich in green forests, vast fields, beautiful lakes and rivers. Russia is a very beautiful country in every season.
Our country is rich in its culture. Peoples (имеется ввиду народы, поэтому можно во мн. числе) of Russia invent many well-known works of architecture, painting, literature and music. Our country has a rich history.
Russia is a strong and independent country with its old traditions.
My homeland is Russia and I love it very much.
leo00000 leo00000  02.10.2020 00:26
Russia is the largest country in the world. In our country many beautiful towns and villages. The Capital Of Russia - Moscow. Moscow is the largest city in the country.
Russia is a multinational country. Live here dozens of different Nations, large and small. We all are called Russians.
Russia is rich green forests, vast fields, beautiful lakes and rivers. Russia is very beautiful at all times.
Our country is rich in its culture. The peoples of Russia created famous works of architecture, painting, literature and music. Our country has a rich history.
Russia is a strong and independent country with centuries-old traditions. My country is Russia. I love my Homeland.
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