Переведите текст на язык: столько интересных книг можно найти в библиотеке, что иногда даже и не знаешь, что прочитать сейчас, а что потом. я люблю ходить в библиотеки и находить там книгу, которая меня заинтересует уже тогда, когда я ее замечу издалека на полке; но мою самую любимую книгу я нашла не в библиотеке – мне ее принесла мама. мне в этой книге понравилась повесть антуана де сент экзюпери «маленький принц». это печальная сказка о детях. это мудрая и человечная сказка, которая адресована, скорее всего, детям. экзюпери, летчик и писатель, размышляет о самом важном – о вечных вопросах нашей жизни: о добре и зле, о красоте и равнодушии, о дружбе , о верности и ответственности человека за свои поступки. для экзюпери было важно написать такую сказку, как «маленький принц». ведь он часто повторял, что из доброй семечки обязательно вырастет доброе дерево.

Марьяша16 Марьяша16    2   18.09.2019 05:10    1

закро закро  10.09.2020 11:15
So many interesting books can be found in the library, that sometimes you do not even know what to read now, and then what. I like to go to libraries and find a book there that will interest me already when I notice it from afar on a shelf; but I found my favorite book not in the library - my mother brought it to me.In this book I liked the story of Antoine de Saint Exupery "The Little Prince". This is a sad tale of children. This is a wise and human fairy tale, which is most likely addressed to children. Exupery, the pilot and the writer, reflects on the most important - about the eternal questions of our life: about good and evil, about beauty and indifference, about friendship, about the loyalty and responsibility of man for his actions. For Exupery it was very important to write a fairy tale like "The Little Prince". After all, he often said that a good seed would necessarily grow from a good seed.
FlaNNkY FlaNNkY  10.09.2020 11:15
So many interesting books can be found in the library, that sometimes you do not even know what to read now, and then what. I like to go to libraries and find a book there that will interest me already when I notice it from afar on a shelf; but I found my favorite book not in the library - my mother brought it to me.In this book I liked the story of Antoine de Saint Exupery "The Little Prince". This is a sad tale of children. This is a wise and human fairy tale, which is most likely addressed to children. Exupery, the pilot and the writer, reflects on the most important - about the eternal questions of our life: about good and evil, about beauty and indifference, about friendship, about the loyalty and responsibility of man for his actions. For Exupery it was very important to write a fairy tale like "The Little Prince". After all, he often said that a good seed would necessarily grow from a good seed.
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