Переведите текст на язык: мальчик из мемфиса начал свой бизнес в девять лет. а сегодня, в его тринадцать, оборот его компании оценивается в 200 000 долларов. немного? так это только начало! и потом, сколько денег вы сами смогли заработать в свои 13 лет? что это за бизнес такой у мозайя, спросите вы? да особо ничего необычного – он производит галстуки-бабочки. первые заказы получал через facebook, потом открыл интернет-магазин. и вот результат! а еще мозайя занимается благотворительностью.

артлжьт артлжьт    1   10.09.2019 10:10    0

998974452408 998974452408  07.10.2020 05:05
A boy from Memphis started his business at the age of nine. And today, at his thirteen, his company's turnover is estimated at $ 200,000. Little? So this is only the beginning! And then, how much money did you yourself make in your 13 years?What kind of business is that of Mozay, you ask? Yes, especially nothing unusual - it produces bow ties. The first orders received via Facebook, then opened an online store. And here is the result! And Mozayya is engaged in charity..
boy from Memphis started his business at the age of nine. And today, at his thirteen, his company's turnover is estimated at $ 200,000. Little? So this is only the beginning! And then, how much money did you yourself make in your 13 years? What kind of business is that of Mozay, you ask? Yes, especially nothing unusual - it produces bow ties. The first orders received via Facebook, then opened an online store. And here is the result! And Mozayya is engaged in charity.
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