Переведите текст на , надо, 35 : на вокзале встретились два друга-однокашника, которые давно не виделись--один толстый, другой тонкий. они обрадовались друг другу, тонкий представил другу жену и сына, стали вспоминать школьное когда же зашла речь о нынешнем их положении, выяснилось, что толстый дослужился до большого чина. отношение тонкого к толстому резко изменилось после этих слов. он начал лебезить перед бывшим однокашником, началподлизываться. толстому это было неприятно, он попытался осадить тонкого, но тот продолжал унижаться и они разошлись

morozandrey7474 morozandrey7474    2   08.09.2019 14:40    0

sonya408 sonya408  20.08.2020 23:28
Two schoolfellows who hadn’t seen each other for ages ,met at the railway station. One of them was plump/stout ,another one was lean. They were glad to see each other, a lean classmate introduced his wife and son to his friend. They began to remember/recall the school days. When they started talking about their current position,it turned out to be that the plump classmate had risen to the high rank. After these words the attitude of the lean classmate to the plump one had changed.He started to fawn on his schoolfellow.It was frustrating for the plump one and he tried to knock him down a peg, but the lean one went on groveling on the dirt and they went away.
McGravii McGravii  20.08.2020 23:28
Two classmates, who didn't meet ecah other for long time met at the railway station. One of them was fat, another was lean. They were very happy to see each other, lean classmate presented his wife and son to his friend. They began to remember school days. When they started to talk about their present standing, they reveled that fat classmate has a high rank. Relationship lean friend to fat has changed after this words. Lean friend started to fatter to his fat friend. It was very unpleasantly to fat friend and he tried to rein up his lean friend, but lean classmate continued demean and they were gone.

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