Переведите текст и выпишите из него глаголы-сказыемые

n the past technical drawings for industry and architecture were drawn by hand. For example, people worked at drawing boards with drawing equipment. These hand-drawn diagrams provided clear technical information but were slow and expensive to make. Nowadays working drawings are done on computers, which is much quicker.
Computers can also 1) save, change and recycle the drawings; 2) make 3D (three dimensional) images; 3) make drawings bigger or smaller; 4) keep an electronic library of standard parts; 5) make symmetrical images of components; 6) make accurate and consistent drawings.
A good way to explain the advantages is to think about architectural drawing. Features such as windows and doors can be moved until the architect likes the building. Images of the rooms are created in 3D so the viewer can “walk” through the rooms. Designers can also experiment with different arrangements of furniture and colours.

mike961 mike961    2   01.03.2020 14:06    65

miwakina miwakina  28.01.2024 12:51
Глаголы-сказуемые в тексте:
1) were drawn - были нарисованы
2) worked - работали
3) provided - предоставляли
4) made - делали
5) are done - делаются
6) is - является
7) can save - могут сохранять
8) can change - могут изменять
9) can recycle - могут перерабатывать
10) make - делать
11) make - делать
12) keep - сохранять
13) make - делать
14) make - делать
15) make - делать
16) think - думать
17) can be moved - могут быть перемещены
18) likes - нравится
19) are created - создаются
20) can "walk" - могут "проходить"
21) can experiment - могут экспериментировать
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