Переведите текст грамотно на без переводчика из интернета. я живу в замечательном городе родники. у нас есть много достопримечательностей. в мае открывается парк с каруселями, собираются лагери. в родниках есть комбинат "большевик". много клумб, школьники за ними ухаживают. в моем городе добрые люди. еще у нас есть библиотека. в ней устраивают вечера культуры, и другие мероприятия. я люблю свой город!

александра7896 александра7896    3   30.06.2019 17:20    3

Rigina1984 Rigina1984  24.07.2020 09:57
I live in a wonderful city of Rodniki. We have many sights. In May the park with roundabouts is opened, camps are organised. There is the "Bolshevik" complex in Rodniki. There are many flower beds of which school children take care. There are very kind people in my city. We also have a library where cultural evening events are organised along with other activities. I love my city very much!
angel20062006 angel20062006  24.07.2020 09:57
I live in a beautiful town Rodniki. We have many attractions. In may, open Park with a carousel, going to the camps. In Rodniki is the plant "Bolshevik". Many flowerbeds, students care for them. In my town live very good people. We also have a library. In it for evenings of culture, and other activities. I love our town!
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