Переведите следующий текст на , : в моей квартире есть две комнаты, кухня и ванная. я сплю в спальне. я смотрю тв в гостиной. я готовлю и в кухне. я моюсь в ванной. на окне в моей спальне есть белые шторы,на полу есть зеленый ковер, на стенах есть много фотографий. когда ты заканчиваешь школу,ты можешь стать дизайнером,если тебе нравится людям,ты можешь стать доктором или медсестрой,если тебе нравится рисковать,ты можешь стать летчиком или полицейским. работа полицейского опасная. работа врача креативная. работа сторожа скучная. волга длиннее клязьмы. волга самая длинная река в европе. москва больле казани. москва самый большой город в россии. антарктида холоднее антарктики. южный полюс самое холодное место на земле. тигр больше льва. тигр самая большая кошка.

ленаискакова ленаискакова    2   29.07.2019 01:20    1

In my apartment I have two rooms, kitchen and bathroom. I sleep in the bedroom. I watch TV in the living room. I cook and have dinner in the kitchen. I wash in the bathroom. On the window in my bedroom has white curtains, the floor has a green carpet, on the walls there are a lot of pictures. When you finish school, you can become a designer, if you like helping people, you can become a doctor or nurse, if you like to take risks, you can become a pilot or a policeman.police work is very dangerous. doctor work is very creative. guard job is very boring. Volga is longer Klyazma. The Volga is the longest river in Europe. Moscow bolle Kazan. Moscow is the largest city in Russia. Antarctica is colder than the Antarctic. The South Pole is the coldest place on earth. Tiger larger lion. The tiger is the biggest cat
Alicewonderr Alicewonderr  03.10.2020 16:05
In my apartment there are two rooms, kitchen and bathroom. I sleep in the bedroom. I watch TV in the living room. I cook and eat in the kitchen. I wash in the bathroom. On the window in my bedroom has white curtains on the floor has a green carpet, on the walls there are many pictures. When you graduate,you can become a designer if you like to help people,you can become a doctor or a nurse if you like to gamble,you can become a pilot or a policeman.
Police work is very dangerous. The doctor's work is very creative. The guard is very boring. Volga longer than the Klyazma. Volga is the longest river in Europe. Moscow Bolle Kazan. Moscow is the biggest city in Russia. Antarctica is colder than Antarctica. The South pole is the coldest place on earth. A tiger is bigger lion. Tiger is the biggest cat. 
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