Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на специфику перевода инфинитива. укажите форму и функцию инфинитива в каждом случае. обратите внимание, что в одном предложении может быть два инфинитива. 1. monetary policy is the control by the government of a country’s currency for lending and borrowing money through money supply in order to control the level of spending in the economy. 2. to credit or debit one’s bank account is the simplest way to make pay-ments in large supermarkets. 3. the bank has refused to open a current account. therefore, we’ll have to carry cash with us whenever, we want to make a purchase. 4. financial capital to be used in a business may either belong to the busi-ness itself or it may be borrowed from a bank. 5. some nations export only to expand their domestic market or to aid eco-nomically depressed sectors within the domestic economy. 6. to remain competitive the company should maintain and increase effi-ciency. 7. in order to meet current commitments the cash flow needs to be carefully monitored. 8. the aim of our company is to enlarge the dividends.