Переведите следующее предложения, выделяя оборот "for + существительное (местоимение) + инфинитив": 1. The tendency is for the molecule to become agitated.
2. For an observation to be of service two facts must beknown.
3. In order for two molecules to react they must be incontact.
4. The motion took place long enough for the bodies tobecome heated.
5. Under what conditions will the reaction proceedsufficiently rapidly for the method to be practicable?
6. Here is one more important point for the speaker toexplain.
7. It is not usual for the phosphatic uranium minerals tobe used as a commercial source for uranium.
8. Rusting represents the naturel tendency for the iron torevert from the unstable condition.
9. Two conditions must be met for ductile fraction tooccur.