Переведите с русского языка на английский 1) Сроки поставки наконец-то сокращены.
2) Я не ожидала, что он уже получил факс.
3) Мы хотим, чтобы они подписали контракт завтра.
4) Окончательное решение, принятое общими сторонами, будет более тесному сотрудничеству.
5) Закончив школу, он сразу поступил в институт.

aliolga aliolga    2   11.05.2021 14:58    0

Natsha88 Natsha88  11.05.2021 15:00


Delivery times are finally reduced. I did not expect he had already received a fax. We want them to signed a contract tomorrow. The final decision taken by shared parties will contribute to closer cooperation. Having finished school, he immediately entered the institute.

bobr600 bobr600  11.05.2021 15:00

1)Delivery times are finally shortened

2)I didn't expect he had already received the fax.

3)We want them to sign the contract tomorrow.

4)The final decision made by the common parties will facilitate closer cooperation

5)After finishing school, he immediately entered the institute.

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