Переведите предложения, уделяя особое внимание причастию II в роли определения. При переводе причастных оборо¬тов придаточным предложением не забывайте перед словом который поставить предлог, которого требует данный глагол.
Образец: The article referred to by the student is of no inte¬rest – Статья, на которую ссылается этот студент, не представляет никакого интереса.
1. The question answered by the student was a difficult one. 2. The process affected by the correction followed a different course. 3. The problem approached from another point of view proved simple. 4. The technique followed by this research team is very complicated. 5. Definition of the problem followed by its investigation was a difficult task. 6. Their actions influenced by the decision were wiser. 7. The fact mentioned was of great importance. 8. The problem dealt with in this article is very complex. 9. The information relied upon by the scientist proved incorrect. 10. The data referred to by the author is false. 11. The program corrected proved useful. 12. The plan changed helped us to complete the work. 13. The decision made facilitated the process.

alinkaaa888 alinkaaa888    2   30.05.2020 12:47    21

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