Переведите предложения с 7,2 класс сыну надо,я не учила , ♥️

BandaMin BandaMin    3   24.05.2019 20:54    1

КликКлак11 КликКлак11  20.06.2020 20:19

1. What is your name? My name is Polly.

2. How old are you. I'm twelve old (years)

3. Where are you from? I live not far from London.

4. You have an uncle or aunt . I have uncle.

5. You have sisters or brothers? I have a brother.

6. Are you going to school? Yes.

7. In which you are a class ? I'm in the sixth grade.

8. You learn Russian language? Yes.

9. You can speak Russian? Yes, of course.

10. Are you a good student?Yes.

11. Is your dad working? Yes, working.

12. Where he working?

13. Why do not you answer me?

14. But I do not know where my dad works?

15. You speak German? No.

16. Who are your dad ? My dad is Mr.Dail.

17. Who is he by profession? he is a taxi driver .

18. Can you drive a car? No.

You have bike? No.


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