Переведите предложения на английский язык, употребив соответствующее время группы Perfect.

1. Мы только что говорили об этом.

2. Я никогда не был в Лондоне.

3. За последнее время она перевела несколько научных статей.

4. Он сказал, что читал эту книгу много лет назад.

5. Они ушли до того, как мы получили телеграмму.

6. К какому времени вы закончите перевод этой статьи? – Я только что перевёл её.

7. К тому времени как он придет, мы сами завершим работу.

8. Не успел я начать подготовку к экзамену, как выяснилось, что формулировки во изменились.

9. Мы познакомились месяц назад, но я не слышал о нем ничего с тех пор.

10. Этот режиссер получил приз после того, как он снял свой лучший фильм.

    1   08.05.2020 18:50    176

semaf1345789 semaf1345789  21.01.2024 14:45
1. We have just talked about it.
Explanation: The action of talking happened very recently, suggesting the use of the present perfect tense.

2. I have never been to London.
Explanation: The speaker is talking about their entire life up until now, suggesting the use of the present perfect tense with "never".

3. She has translated several scientific articles recently.
Explanation: The action of translating occurred in the recent past, suggesting the use of the present perfect tense.

4. He said that he had read this book many years ago.
Explanation: The action of reading the book occurred in the past, specifically many years ago, suggesting the use of the past perfect tense.

5. They left before we received the telegram.
Explanation: The action of leaving happened before the action of receiving the telegram, suggesting the use of the past perfect tense.

6. By when will you finish translating this article? - I have just translated it.
Explanation: The action of translating the article happened very recently, suggesting the use of the present perfect tense.

7. By the time he arrives, we will have finished the work ourselves.
Explanation: The action of finishing the work will happen in the future, before the arrival of the person, suggesting the use of the future perfect tense.

8. No sooner had I started preparing for the exam, than it turned out that the formulations had changed.
Explanation: The action of starting the preparation happened in the past and was immediately followed by the realization that the formulations had changed, suggesting the use of the past perfect tense.

9. We met a month ago, but I haven't heard anything about him since then.
Explanation: The action of meeting happened a month ago and the lack of information about him has continued until now, suggesting the use of the present perfect tense.

10. This director received an award after he had made his best film.
Explanation: The action of making the film happened in the past, specifically before receiving the award, suggesting the use of the past perfect tense.
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