Переведите предложения , ! 1. in the northwest part of the country we are going to have gentle breezes. but as the week moves on there will be clouds and some light showers late in the evenings. in the north, it will be much colder with high winds and the possibility of storms. the weather, however, over the weekend will be mostly sunny. 2. now for a special story. a sumatran tiger cub has been born at sydney zoo. the birth of this special tiger cub is a major victory for the zoo's breeding programme. there are fewer than 500 tigers left in the wild in sumatra , where they are threatened by habitat destruction and 3. a: you look rather stressed. what's happened? b: i had an argument with my boss and he fired me. a: try not to worry. everything will be fine. b: that's easy for you to say. you still have your job! a: no, really, it will be ok. the same thing happened to me once .
2. ...И теперь для специального рассказа. Суматранский тигренок родился в зоопарке Сиднея. Рождения это специальное тигренок является крупной победой для программы размножения зоопарка. Есть менее 500 амурских тигров осталось в дикой природе на Суматре , где им угрожает разрушение среды обитания и браконьерство...