Переведите правильно на ! дневник. сегодня 7 октября. день отлично. я встала рано утром и начала собираться в школу. по я получила оценку 4,а по 5. после школы я делала работу. вечером пошла гулять с друзьями в парк. было весело. вернулась домой в 8. а в 10 легла спать.

lisa2051 lisa2051    3   05.08.2019 15:20    1

nagovitsynaari nagovitsynaari  03.10.2020 23:36
Hello, diary. today is the 7th of October. the day were great. I woke up early at the morning and started to prepare for school. at history I became 4, at mathematics I got 5. after classes I were making my homework. at the evening I went for a walk with my friends. it was so funny. I came home at 8 o'clock. and at 10 o'clock I got to bed.
anonimus8310 anonimus8310  03.10.2020 23:36
Dear diary,
today is the 7th of October. The day was great. I woke up early in the morning and started getting ready for school. I got a 4 in history, but I got a 5 in math. After school I did my homework.In the evening I went out with my friends to the park. It was very fun. I came back home at 8 and went to bed at 10.
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