Переведите на язык. заранее . меня зовут скотт маккол, ещё пару лет назад я был обычным подростком из бейкон хиллс. я был "изгоем" в своей школе, сидел на скамейке запасных в команде по лакроссу. моя мать - обычная медсестра из городской больницы, отец - агент фбр. всё с моей жизни изменилось с той ночи, когда я блуждал со своим лучшем другом стайлзом ночью по лесу (с целью найти вторую половину тела неизвестной девушки), и вдруг на меня напал оборотень, он укусил меня. на следующий день моя рана быстро исцелилась, у меня появились нечеловеческие потрясающий слух, обострённый нюх, отличная

anastasiya249 anastasiya249    3   06.09.2019 21:10    0

Antistar Antistar  06.10.2020 21:50
Hey. My name is Scott McCool, a couple of years ago I was an ordinary teenager from Bakon Hills. I was an "outcast" in my school, I was sitting on the bench in a team of lacrosse. My mother is a regular nurse from the city hospital, my father is an FBI agent.
Everything in my life has changed since the night when I wandered with my best friend Styles in the woods at night (in order to find the second half of the body of an unknown girl), and suddenly a werewolf attacked me, he bit me. The next day my wound was healed very quickly, I had inhuman abilities: a tremendous hearing, a heightened sense of smell, excellent speed ...
Sindex212 Sindex212  06.10.2020 21:50
Hi. My name is Scott McColl, a couple of years ago I was ordinary teenager from Bacon Hills. I was an outcast in my school, I was sitting on a bench as a substitute in the Lacrosse team. My mother is a regular nurse from an urban hospital, father agent of the FBI. Everything in my life was named after that night, when I wandered with my best friend Steals night in the forest (with the goal of finding the second half of the body of an unknown girl), suddenly a werewolf attacked me and bitten. The next day my wound was very quickly healed and I had inhuman abilities: tremendous hearing exaggerated, excellent speed...
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