Переведите на язык , употребляя сложное подлежащее: 1. как известно, женщины и мужчины имеют различное сознание (are known, mind). 2. в 2008 году лето ожидается экстремально теплым (is expected). 3. полагали, что солнце обращается вкруг земли (was believed, circulate around) 4. оказалось, что он не только прекрасный плотник, но и великолепный электрик (turned out, carpenter, electrician). 5. его жизни, как полагают, написанa им самим (is supposed, to be written). 6. казалось, он не слушает меня, а думает о чем-то своем.(didn’t seem, something of his own).

natalijasovap08pz3 natalijasovap08pz3    3   19.05.2019 22:30    2

лизанезнающая лизанезнающая  13.06.2020 04:58

1. Are known. women and men have different mind. 

2. In the 2008, summer is expected to be extremely hot.

3. Was believed, that sun circulates around Earth.

4.It turned out that he was not only a great carpenter, but also a great electrician.

5. The story of his life, is supposed, is witten by him.

6.It seemed that he does not listen to me, and think of something else

Алля111 Алля111  13.06.2020 04:58

1. Men and women are known to have different mind.

2. The summer is expected to be extremely warm in 2008.

3. The Sun was bielived to circulate around the Earth.

4. He turned out to be not only a good carpenter, but also an exellent electrician.

5. His life story is supposed to be written by himself.

6. He didn't seem to be listening to me, but was thinking of something of his own.

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