Переведите на язык, употребляя past indefinite. 1) ей понравилось представление. 2) было холодно на неделе. 3) я встретил их у моего друга дома. 4)кто-нибудь звонил мне пока меня не было? 5) мы не получили ее ответ вчера. 6) я отправил вчера письма моим друзьям. 7) у меня не было времени делать эту работу. 8) я читал этот журнал вчера. 9) ему не понравился фильм. 10) он звонил тебе вчера? 11) они провели каникулы в лондоне. 12) он сдал экзамен по в понедельник. 13) я навестил бабушку и дедушку на неделе. 14) я разговаривал с ним вчера. 15) я починил свою машину в воскресенье. 16) анна не пошла в школу, так как она простудилась. 17) почему она сказала об этом только вчера? 18) он часто перебивал меня. 19) она выиграла соревнование. 20) вчера мы вернулись домой поздно. 21) я получил хорошую оценку за контрольную. 22) том и джон учились в одном институте. 23) мы работали вместе несколько лет. 24) когда он уезжает домой?

maksfire maksfire    1   20.06.2019 18:40    2

Нурюс Нурюс  16.07.2020 15:55

1) She liked the performance.

2) It was very cold last week.

3) I met them at my friend's house.

4) Did anybody call me while I was out?

5) We didn't get her reply yesterday.

6) I sent letters to my friends yesterday.

7) I didn't have any time to do the work.

8) I read this magazine yesterday.

9) He didn't like the film.

10) Did he call you yesterday?

11) They spent the holidays in London.

12) He passed the exam in English on Monday.

13) I visited my grandparents last week.

14) I talked to him yesterday.

15) I repaired my car on Sunday.

16) Anna didn't go to school because she caught a cold.

17) Why did she say about it only yesterday?

18) He often interrupted me.

19) She won the competition.

20) Yesterday we returned home late.

21) I got a good mark for the test.

22) Tom and John studied at the same Institute.

23) We worked together for several years.

24) When did he go home? 

Vikaadamm Vikaadamm  16.07.2020 15:55
1) She liked the idea.
2) It was very cold last week.
3) I met them at my friend's house.
4) Someone called me while I was gone?
5) We did not get her answer yesterday.
6) I sent a letter yesterday to my friends.
7) I have not had time to do the job.
8) I read this magazine yesterday.
9) He did not like the film.
10) He called you yesterday?
11) They spent the holidays in London.
12) He passed the exam in English on Monday.
13) I visited my grandparents last week.
14) I talked to him yesterday.
15) I fixed my car on Sunday.
16) Anna has not gone to school since she caught a cold.
17) Why did she say about it only yesterday?
18) He often interrupted me.
19) She won the competition.
20) Yesterday we returned home late.
21) I got a good estimate for the control.
22) Tom and John were in the same institute.
23) We have worked together for several years.
24) When he goes home?
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