Переведите на язык, без переводчика. 66 . , ольга владимировна. вот и первый месяц лета. погода конечно плозая. в июне произошло событие о котором я мечтала так долго. я взяла домой кота. я принесла его с улици. за месяц мы его полностью вылечили. я его назвала кузя. с 11.06.2017 до 17.06.2017 я отдыхала на базе отдыха архангельская слобода. там было классно. я каждый день ела мороженное. и много гуляла. в июне я ходила гулять в центр с моей подругой настей. нам было весило. ещё 2 раза мы ходили в паре атрокционов. мне понравилось. июнь был не забываемым. с уважением лера.

yaroslavtoporko yaroslavtoporko    3   03.09.2019 03:20    1

koool3 koool3  06.10.2020 13:48
Hello, Olga Vladimirovna. So the first month of summer passed. The weather is of course flat. In June, there was an event that I had been dreaming about for so long. I took the cat home. I brought him from the street. For a month we completely cured him. I called him Kuzya. From 11.06.2017 until 17.06.2017 I rested at the recreation center Arkhangelskaya Sloboda. It was great there. I ate ice cream every day. And very much walked. In June I went for a walk in the center with my friend Nastya. We were very much weighed. Two more times we went to a couple of atroktsionov. I really liked it. June was not forgettable.
Sincerely, Lera.
ulyana1512200214 ulyana1512200214  06.10.2020 13:48
Hello, Olga Vladimirovna. So the first month of summer passed. The weather is of сдесь я не знаю
. In June, there was an event that I had been dreaming about for so long. I took the cat home. I brought him from the street. For a month we completely cured him. I called him Kuzya. From 11.06.2017 until 17.06.2017 I rested at the recreation center Arkhangelskaya Sloboda. It was great there. I ate ice cream every day. And very much walked. In June I went for a walk in the center with my friend Nastya. We were very much weighed. Two more times we went to a couple of atroktsionov. I really liked it. June was not forgettable.Sincerely, Lera.
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