Переведите на . я люблю летние деньки. поэтому мне не хочется в школу. но первый день в школе оказался веселым. все общались со своими друзьями. а когда прозвенел звонок все дети сидели уже в классе.

dora12345pandora dora12345pandora    3   01.08.2019 23:30    1

9999Ksenya999 9999Ksenya999  29.09.2020 12:15
I love summer days. So I don't really want to school. But the first day of school was fun. All talked with their friends. And when the bell rang all the children were already in class.
sof070808 sof070808  29.09.2020 12:15
I like summer days. Because of that I don't want to come to school. The first day of school was fun. All we communicated with his friends. And when the bell lesson all were sitting in the classroom.
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