Переведите, на вчера я полил цветы и уже успел убрать комнату сегодня. вчера лена не смогла купить книгу в магазине.но она уже заказала её по интернету. вчера я купил велосипед,а сегодня уже катался не нем.

svistmi20061 svistmi20061    3   13.03.2019 00:00    5

SweetCandy23228 SweetCandy23228  25.05.2020 03:05

Yesterday I watered the flowers and has already managed to clean the room today. Yesterday Lena was able to buy the book in magazine.No she already ordered it on the internet. Yesterday I bought a bike, and today we did not skate it.

Мэйбл123456789 Мэйбл123456789  25.05.2020 03:05

Yesterday I watered the flowers and has already managed to clean the room today.

Yesterday Lena was able to buy the book in magazine.No she already ordered it on the internet

Yesterday I bought  a bike,and toy we did not stake it


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