Переведите на translate into english 1) на стуле нет сухой одежды, не так ли? 2) как ярки звезды на небе! 3) новости по радио тревожные , а по телевизору ещё хуже. 4) твои часы отстают на пол минуты. 5) детектив хилл в соседней комнате. там так же его партнёр и двое других полицейских. 6) вселенная полна загадок. интересно, есть ли жизнь на других планетах.

ChristenChy ChristenChy    2   04.07.2019 20:40    0

pomoshvdorogep0arzo pomoshvdorogep0arzo  28.07.2020 12:25
1) There are no dry clothes on the chair, are there?
2) How bright the stars are!
3) The news on the radio is worrying, and that on TV is worse.
4) Your clock is late for a half of a minute.
5) The detective Hill is in the next room. There are also his partner and two other policemen.
6) The universe is full of mysteries. I wonder is there's a life on other planets.
долма1 долма1  28.07.2020 12:25
1) Is not dry clothes on the chair , is not it?
2) As the bright stars in the sky! или так How are bright  stars in the sky!
3) News on the radio is disturbing, and on TV is even worse.
4) Your clock`s late for a half of a minute.
5) Detective Hill in the next room. Also there's his partner and two other policemen.
6) The universe is full of mysteries. I wonder is there life on other planets.
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