Переведите на , , только правильно, не просто через переводчик этот собор, построенный в стиле барокко, стоит на берегу озера. возведен в начале 19 века. главная святыня – корсунская икона божьей матери, написана евангелистом лукой. в торопец эта икона была еще в 1239 году. храм, где она хранилась ранее, сгорел в конце 18 века и на его месте был отстроен новый собор.

KerimovaLuiza919 KerimovaLuiza919    3   24.09.2019 16:50    0

анарочка555 анарочка555  21.08.2020 14:55
This cathedral built in the style of boroko stands on the shore of the lake. It was erected in the beginning of the 19th century. The main shrine of the Korsun Icon of the Mother of God was written by the Evangelist Luke. In the Toropets this icon was brought back in 1239. The temple where it was stored earlier burnt down in the late 18th century and in its place was rebuilt a new cathedral
топтип топтип  21.08.2020 14:55
This cathedral built in the иaroque style, it  stands on the shore of the lake. It was erected in the beginning of the 19 th century. The main shrine is the Korsun Icon of the Mother of God, written by the Evangelist Luka. In Toropets this icon was brought back in 1239. The temple,where it was stored earlier, burned down in the late  of 18th century and a new cathedral was rebuilt on its place.
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