Переведите на несколько недель назад я ездила к своей бабушке в деревню. свою поездку я совершила на автобусе.весь путь составлял 4 часа.природа нашего края красивая,особенно запомнились огромные поля с подсолнухами,сразу поднимается настроение.они такие солнечные и яркие.также привлекает внимание множество лесов и полей .я заметила,что чем старше становишься,тем быстрее кажется путь.с собой я не брала много вещей,лишь средства личной гигиены и некоторые книги.конечно,я не могла приехать с пустыми руками и гостинцы.в течение моего пребывания я работала в огороде,особенно на картофельном поле,работа на нем всегда трудоемка.там.вскоре начались сильные дожди,по их окончании я отправилась домой.
The nature of our region is very beautiful and most of all I like huge fields of sunflowers. They are so sunny and bright. My mood always improves when I see such scenic landscapes. A lot of woods and fields also attract my attention.
I noticed that the older you get, the faster time en route seems to go.
I did not take a lot of things. In my bag there were only personal-care products and some books. Of course, I could not arrive empty-handed and I brought some presents.
While I was there, I was working in the vegetable garden. Working in the potato field is especially difficult and time consuming.
Soon it started raining heavily, and I went home.
The nature of our region is very beautiful and most of all I remember large fields of sunflowers. They are so sunny and bright. My mood immediately increases when I see such beautiful landscapes. A lot of forests and fields also attract my attention.
I noticed that the older you get, the faster time of way seems to go.
I didn't take many things with me. There were only personal-care products and some books in my bag. Of course, I couldn't arrive empty-handed and I brought some gifts.
While I was there, I was working in the vegetable garden. Working in the potato field is especially difficult and labor-intensive.
Soon it started raining heavily, and when they stopped I went home.