Переведите на , ,меня зовут алена ,мне 8 лет,я хожу в школу.у меня есть мама,папа,бабушка дедушка и 2 сестры.у меня есть кот,его зовут рыжик,я умею читать,писать,рисовать,плавать,

magiklen magiklen    3   15.06.2019 19:20    3

divaevaadila divaevaadila  02.10.2020 02:16
Hello. My name is Alena. I'm 8 years old. I have got a mother, a father, a granny, a grandad and two sisters. Also I have got a cat , its name is Pushok. I can read, write, draw and swim very well.
МОЗГ1987 МОЗГ1987  02.10.2020 02:16
Hello, My name is Alyona, I am 8 years old, I go to school. I have mother, the father, the grandmother the grandfather and two sisters. I have a cat, his name is the Saffron I am able to read, write, draw, swim.
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