Переведите на когда-то гепарды обитали почти по всей африке, на ближнем востоке и в центральной части азии. сегодня они встречаются исключительно в африке, к югу от сахары и в азии, где сохранились единичные особи, находящиеся на грани исчезновения. большая часть гепардов не живет на охраняемых территориях, это приводит к конфликтам с фермерами. из-за сужения обитаемых территорий, гепарды часто пересекаются с людьми, охотясь на скот. местное население рассматривает их как «вредителей» и ведет с ними постоянную борьбу. помимо того, шкура гепарда по-прежнему является желанным трофеем для браконьеров. все это неумолимо ведет к сокращению популяции, за последние 20 лет численность гепардов снизилась на 30%.

aliha001 aliha001    2   29.07.2019 06:10    0

zhenianet zhenianet  27.09.2020 09:09
Once cheetahs lived in almost all of Africa, the middle East and in Central Asia. Today they are found only in Africa, South of Sahara and in Asia, where there remained a few individuals on the verge of extinction.

The majority of cheetahs do not live in protected areas, this leads to conflicts with farmers. Due to the narrowing of the inhabited territories, cheetahs often overlap with people preying on livestock. The local population considers them as "pests" and leads to them constantly fighting. In addition, the skin of a Cheetah is still a coveted trophy for poachers. All of this inexorably leads to a decline in the population over the past 20 years the number of cheetahs has decreased by 30%.
FarLime FarLime  27.09.2020 09:09
Once cheetahs lived almost all of Africa, the Middle East and central Asia. Today, they are found only in Africa, sub-Saharan Africa and in Asia, which has single individuals who are on the verge of extinction. Most cheetahs do not live in the protected areas, this leads to conflicts with farmers. Due to the narrowing of the inhabited areas, cheetahs often overlap with people preying on livestock. The local population sees them as "pests" and leads with them a constant struggle. In addition, the skin of the cheetah is still a coveted trophy for poachers. All this inevitably leads to a decline in population over the past 20 years the number of cheetahs has declined by 30%.
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