Переведите на английском языке, употребляя модальный глагол need.
1. У нас много времени в запасе, и нам нечего спешить. 2. Тебе нет необходимости делать это сейчас. Ты можешь сделать это и завтра. 3. Она может и не Все уже сделано. 4. Ему не надо было продавать свое пианино. 5. Вы могли и не кричать так ребенка. 6. Они теперь не могут спать, им не надо было смотреть фильм ужасов. 7. Нужно ли мне тебе Нет я все сделаю сам. 8. Вы можете не ходить туда. 9. Ему нечего беспокоиться о НЭ. 10. Я могу и не спрашивать его: он сам будешь все расскажет. 11. Вам не обязательно звонить мне: я не забуду это обещание. 12. Нужно ли ей покупать такое количество продуктов? 13. Она может не ходить в библиотеку: я дам ей книгу. 14. Вы могли и не брать зонтик: я уверен, что дождя не будет.

NastyaK27 NastyaK27    2   14.04.2020 13:22    30

lydavika755 lydavika755  19.01.2024 08:48
1. We have plenty of time and we don't need to rush.
To translate this sentence, we can use the modal verb "need" to indicate that there is no necessity to hurry. We can also use the phrase "plenty of" to express abundance.

2. You don't need to do it now. You can do it tomorrow.
In this sentence, we use the phrase "don't need to" to convey the lack of necessity. By using the modal verb "can," we show that there is an alternative option and it is possible to do it tomorrow.

3. She may not need to do everything anymore.
Here, we use the modal verb "may" to indicate a possibility. By saying "may not need to," we suggest that there is a chance that she doesn't have to do everything.

4. He didn't need to sell his piano.
This sentence uses the past tense to talk about a past event. By using the phrase "didn't need to," we express that there was no necessity for him to sell his piano.

5. You didn't have to shout at the child.
To translate this sentence, we use the phrase "didn't have to" to convey that there was no obligation to shout. We address the action of shouting at the child by using the verb "shout" in the past tense.

6. They can't sleep now. They shouldn't have watched a horror movie.
In this sentence, we first use the modal verb "can't" to indicate that they are unable to sleep. Then, we use the phrase "shouldn't have" to express that they made a mistake by watching a horror movie, which resulted in their inability to sleep.

7. Do I need you? No, I can do everything myself.
To translate this sentence, we use the phrase "do I need" to pose a question about necessity. We then answer it by using the modal verb "can" to assert that there is no need for someone else because the speaker can do everything on their own.

8. You don't have to go there.
In this sentence, we use the phrase "don't have to" to convey the lack of obligation. By saying "don't have to go," we indicate that going there is not necessary.

9. He has nothing to worry about.
To translate this sentence, we use the phrase "has nothing to" to express the absence of something. Here, we say "nothing to worry about" to convey that he doesn't need to worry.

10. I don't need to ask him. He will tell me everything himself.
This sentence uses the phrase "don't need to" to indicate the lack of necessity to ask him. We then assert that he will voluntarily share all the information.

11. You don't need to call me. I won't forget this promise.
To translate this sentence, we use the phrase "don't need to" to convey the lack of necessity to call. We then state that the speaker won't forget the promise.

12. Does she need to buy such a large amount of groceries?
In this sentence, we use the phrase "does she need to" to ask a question about necessity. Here, it is about the necessity of buying a large amount of groceries.

13. She doesn't need to go to the library. I will give her the book.
To translate this sentence, we use the phrase "doesn't need to" to convey the lack of necessity to go to the library. We then state that the speaker will provide her with the book.

14. You didn't need to take an umbrella. I'm sure it won't rain.
In this sentence, we use the phrase "didn't need to" to express that there was no necessity to take an umbrella. We then assert that the speaker is confident it won't rain.
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