Переведите на английский, обращая внимание на наличие и спряжение глаголов «to be» и «to have» и структуру предложения. 1.Это моя семья. Это мои родители. Моя мама – учительница английского в школе, а папа – бизнесмен. 2. Это мой старший брат, он студент университета. Он очень занят. 3. Их дочери 14 лет. Она увлекается музыкой и танцами. 4. Мой двоюродный брат – доктор. Он женат и у него двое детей. Его сыну 6 лет, а дочери 3 года. Его жена домохозяйка. 5. У меня есть три племянника, но нет племянницы. 6. Как зовут твою двоюродную сестру? – Её зовут Кейт. 7. Наш дед очень старый, ему 89 лет. 8. У вас есть хобби? – Да, я увлекаюсь танцами. 9. Сколько лет его бабушке? – Ей 64. Она пенсионер. 10. Кто их дочь? – Она секретарь в офисе. 11. Твоя тетя замужем? – Да. 12. У вас есть родственники в Англии? – Нет, наши родственники в Америке. 13. У тебя есть домашнее животное? – Да, у меня есть собака. - Это он или она? – Это он. Как его зовут? – Его зовут Бим. А сколько ему лет? - Ему 7 месяцев, он умный и хороший. 14. Это ваша машина? – Нет, моя машина новая, ей всего 1 год. 15. У него много родственников в Москве? 16. Муж моей сестры – юрист, его хобби – спорт.
1. This is my family. These are my parents. My mother is an English teacher at school, and my father is a businessman. 2. This is my older brother, who is a University student. He's very busy. 3. Their daughter is 14 years old. She enjoys music and dancing. 4. My cousin is a doctor. He is married and has two children. His son is 6 years old and his daughter is 3 years old. His wife is a homemaker. 5. I have three nephews, but no niece. 6. What is your cousin's name? "Her name is Kate. 7. Our grandfather is very old, 89 years old. 8. Do you have any Hobbies? - Yes, I am fond of dancing. 9. How old is his grandmother? - She's 64. She's retired. 10. Who is their daughter? – She's a Secretary in the office. 11. Is your aunt married? Yes. 12. Do you have relatives in England? - No, our relatives are in America. 13. Have you got a pet? - Yes, I have a dog. "Is it him or her?" "It's him. What's his name?" "His name is BIM. How old is he? - He is 7 months old, smart and good. 14. Is that your car? – No, my car is new, it's only 1 year old. 15. He has many relatives in Moscow? 16. My sister's husband is a lawyer, his hobby is sports.
ответ: .This is my family. These are my parents. My mom is an English teacher at school and my dad is a businessman. 2. This is my older brother, he is a university student. He is very busy. 3. Their daughters are 14 years old. She is interested in dance and music. 4. My cousin is a doctor. He is married and has two children. His son is 6 years old and his daughter is 3 years old. His wife is a housewife. 5. I have three nephews, but no niece. 6. What is your cousin's name? - Her name is Kate. 7. Our grandfather is very old, he is 89 years old. 8. Do you have a hobby? - Yes, I am fond of dancing. 9. How old is his grandmother? - She is 64. She is a pensioner. 10. Who is their daughter? - She's a secretary in the office. 11. Is your aunt married? - Yes. 12. Do you have any relatives in England? - No, our relatives are in America. 13. Do you have a pet? - Yes, I have a dog. - Is it he or she? - It is he. What's his name? - His name is Bim. How old is he? - He is 7 months old, he is smart and good. 14. Is this your car? - No, my car is new, it's only 1 year old. 15. Does he have many relatives in Moscow? 16. My sister's husband is a lawyer, his hobby is sports.