Переведите на английски язык

Переведите на английски язык
Переведите на английски язык
Переведите на английски язык

kuliksvera kuliksvera    2   19.10.2020 03:11    1

Otlichnik1703 Otlichnik1703  18.11.2020 03:14

The profession of "rehabilitation therapist" is very important in our life. Helping people and athletes with various injuries is my future robot. I chose this particular profession because my father is a doctor, and I also want to help people. People who have serious health problems, such as deafness, the absence of one or more limbs, are very strong because they do not fold their hands, but continue to live a full life, respect for such people!

hahagnom hahagnom  18.11.2020 03:14

The profession of "rehabilitation therapist" is very important in our life. Helping people and athletes with various injuries is my future work. I chose this particular profession because my father is a doctor and I also want to help people. People who have serious health problems, for example: deafness, the absence of several limbs, are very strong, because they do not fold their hands, but continue to live a full life, respect for such people! Paralympics is essential for people with disabilities, as they also want to fight, compete and win! You cannot limit them in this!


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