Переведите . меня зовут антон. мне 17 лет. я живу в городе дзержинск. я учусь в университете им. лобачевского на 2 курсе. я хочу стать успешным предприниматель. мое хобби - это играть в футбол. я часто езжу на соревнования играть с другими . в моей семье 4 человека. папа, мама, я и младший брат. у нас дружная семья.

бобик27 бобик27    2   17.06.2019 20:50    1

hychkairyna hychkairyna  14.07.2020 18:18
My name is Anton. I am 17 years old. I live in the city of Dzerzhinsk. I am a student at the University of Lobachevskii second year. I want to become a successful entrepreneur. My hobby - is to play football. I often travel to the competition to play with other teams. In my family, four people: father, mother, younger brother and I. We have a very close-knit family.
nyutasova nyutasova  14.07.2020 18:18
My name is Anton. I'm 17 years old. I live in the city Dzerzinsk. I study in university "imeny Gorbachevskogo" a second year. I want to become a successful entrepreneur. Playing football is my hobby. I often go to the competitions to play with other teams. There are four people in our family. Father, mother, I and my younger brother. We have a very amicable family.
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