Переведите фразы let's play tennis. let's go to the cinema. let's not drink some tea . let's read a book let's not drink some milk. let's go to the museum. let's not go for a walk. let's go by bus . let's not ride our bikes let's not swim in the river.

lampec1 lampec1    1   17.08.2019 05:40    0

alena667 alena667  05.10.2020 00:07
Давайте играть в теннис. Пойдем в кино. Давайте не будем пить чай . Давайте читать книги, не пить молока. Пойдем в музей. Давай не пойдем на прогулку. Давайте поедем на автобусе . Давайте не ездить наши велосипеды не плавать в реке.
умный2006 умный2006  05.10.2020 00:07
Listen! Somebody (sing) a lovely today 
2 Where is Jack? He is in kitchen .He (cook) a tasty dinner 
3 Look! Somebody (swim) across the river 
4 We (spend) next weekend in the country 
5 They (boild) a new cinema in the centre now 
6 At the moment we (fly) over the desert 
7 Where is Ann? she (have) a shower. 
8 Let's go for a walk.It (not/rain) now 
9 We are on holiday .We (stay) at the Ritz Hotel 
10 He (go) to speak to his parents 
11 Have some hot tea .It (get) chilly 
12 Why ...you (read) this magazine 
13 Is something wrong? Why... she (cry) 
14 Don't make so much noise. I (try) to work
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