Переведите этот текст на . я провела свое лето классно! ко мне приезжала бабушка .с ней мы ездили в зоопарк и в аквапарк.мы много раз ездили на природу.а еще я была в лагере.

Chuclplllpl Chuclplllpl    1   03.09.2019 23:00    1

LikaKotik666 LikaKotik666  06.10.2020 15:48
My summer was very cool!My grandma went to me.We went to zoo and aquapark.We travelled very often to nature.And i were in the camp.
КРЕНДЕЛЬ228 КРЕНДЕЛЬ228  06.10.2020 15:48
I spent my summers are cool to me came with her grandmother, we went to the Zoo and water park many times we went to the countryside and yet I was in camp.
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