Переведите: елизавета 1 родилась 7 сентября 1533 г. в гринвиче. дочь короля генриха viii и его второй жены анны болейн. елизавета получила престол после смерти своей сводной сестры марии, дочери екатерины арагонской и жены испанского короля филиппа ii. с правлением марии связана попытка реставрации католицизма в . елизавета, придя к власти, восстановила церковь во главе с монархом, созданную её отцом. это вызвало сопротивление католического духовенства и части дворянства.

yli4ka2007 yli4ka2007    1   17.08.2019 05:40    0

nabiullinnazim nabiullinnazim  05.10.2020 00:09
Elizabeth 1 was Born September 7, 1533 in Greenwich. Daughter of king Henry VIII and his second wife, Anne Boleyn. Elizabeth got the throne after the death of his half-sister Mary, daughter of Catherine of Aragon and wife of Spanish king Philip II.
With the reign of Mary is linked to the restoration of Catholicism in England. Elizabeth came to power, restored the Anglican Church headed by the monarch, founded by her father. This caused the resistance of the Catholic clergy and of the nobility.
 Elizaveta 1 was born 7 september in 1533 in Grinvich. She was daughter of king Genrich Vlll and his second wife Anna Bolein. Elizaveta got throne when her stepsister Maria and wife Spain king Phillip ll had died.
 With Maria's governing was involve trying of restavration katolisism in England. Elizaveta reestablished English church which had done her father. It attracted resistance Catholic clergy and part of nobility
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