Переведите, , без переводчика: "я думаю, что работать летом и до окончания школы хорошо. подростки понимают, что деньги зарабатывать трудно. заработанные деньги они могут тратить на много вещей, которые они давно хотели, но не могли купить. так же, когда они работают, они развивают себя, учатся общаться с людьми"

AnyaFashion AnyaFashion    1   25.03.2019 11:20    1

Aknur221 Aknur221  26.05.2020 18:52

"I think that the work in the summer and up to the end of the school very well. Teens understand that money is very difficult. The earned money they can spend on a lot of things that they have always wanted, but could not buy. So, when they work, they develop their skills, learn to communicate with people"

oksanavolkova3 oksanavolkova3  26.05.2020 18:52

I suppose, that working before you graduated and summer works are really good things. Teenagers understand that it is very difficult to earn money. They can spend erned money themselves and buy what they have wanted but could not afford. Also, they are developing themselves during the work.They learn to stady and contact with people.

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