Переведите б. доброе утро, люси. л. доброе утро бил. где тони и стив? б. они плавают на лодке со своим отцом. не хочешь позавтракать со мной? л. да,конечно. итак, какие планы на сегодня? б.ну, это трудновато. здесь такой большой выбор! а какие у тебя(имеются ввиду планы)? л. я хочу попробовать погружение с аквалангом с отцом. б. звучит не плохо. я наверное попробую прокатиться на водном мотоцикле. а затем, возможно, пойду на пляж с родителями сегодня днем. хочешь присоединиться? л. вообщето нет. я уверена, что буду уставшей после дайвинга. б.не переживай. я могу поплавать, а ты сможешь просто позагорать. л. ладно.

yekatmedwedicz yekatmedwedicz    3   29.06.2019 15:50    2

karahenov98Алекс karahenov98Алекс  02.10.2020 15:17
L. Good morning Bill. Where Tony and Steve?
B. They float on a boat with his father. Don't wanna have Breakfast with me?
L. Yes,of course. So, what are your plans for today?
B. Well, it's difficult. There is so much choice! And what do you(mean plans)?
L. I want to try scuba diving with his father.
B. Sounds good. I will probably try to ride a water bike. And then maybe go to the beach with my parents this afternoon. Want to join?
L. Actually, no. I'm sure I will be very tired after diving.
B. don't worry. I can swim, and you can just sunbathe.
LOh well.
AlexSashka2003 AlexSashka2003  02.10.2020 15:17
L. Good morning Bill. Where are Tony and Steve?
B. They are swimming on a boat with his father. Don't  have Breakfast with me?
L. Yes,of course. So, what are your plans for today?
B. Well, it's difficult. There is so much choice! And what do you(mean plans)?
L. I want to try scuba diving with my father.
B. Sounds good. I will probably try to ride a water bike. And then maybe go to the beach with my parents this afternoon. Want to join?
L. Actually, no. I'm sure I will be very tired after diving.
B. don't worry. I can swim, and you can just sunbathe.
LOh well.
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