Переспроси. образец: she watches tv every day.- does she watch tv every day? they play soccer on mondays. - do they play soccer on mondays? 1.they play the piano on sundays 2. i write letters on fridays/ 3. he dances every day 4. she walks in the park on tuesdays 5. she helps her mum on saturdays 6.we read books on fridays 7.they play tennis on thursday 8.he drives a car on sundays 9. i paint pictures on saturdays

Ляляляля109 Ляляляля109    2   27.07.2019 02:50    27

badder02021 badder02021  25.09.2020 08:21
1. Do they play...?
2. Do İ write...?
3. Does he dance...?
4. Does she walk...?
5. Does she help...?
6. Do we read...?
7. Do they play..?
8. Does he drive...?
9. Do i paint...?
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