Пересказ текста На английский "different candidate" than when you made your first inquiry. If, for example, you now have a clear idea of what you want and why but didn't before, or have changed your Job objective, revamped your resume, or honed your interviewing skills, an organization may respond completely differently to you than it did initially- -even more so if it has new openings or has suffered attrition among the ranks of its recent More than one Amherst student and graduate has been offered a job by an organization which said hires. "no, thanks" the first time around.

"ou're both getting situated. nave a major effect on your interviewer, so don't louch, fidget, or gesture wildly. ut upright and place your belongings such that they -ill not distract you or the interviewer. :ye contact ( but don't have a staring contestl) and '.ry to vary the tone of your voice. "Body language" can Sit comfortably Maintain Every interviewer has his or her own personal An interviewer might use your style and approach. 1esume as the basis for the interview, adhere to a set of questions prepared in advance, or conduct very free-flowing, conversational Interview. Whether arn interviewer is aggressive and talkative or low-key and laid back, don't forget that he or she is ultimately in control of the interview. So, you can direct a good de al of the interview's gontent artd flow if you have prepared thoroughly and Know what you want to say. happen too often, some intervlewers make a conscious attempt to make the interview more stressful than it already is by asking especiall y difficult questions, ehallenging your views, Even Although it doesn't or allowing periods of If this happens, try not to get flustered or angry or feel that this is a personal attack on Rather, this may be the interviewer's way of Sllence. *noh Learning how you react under pressure.

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