Перерешите предложения в косвенной речи, используя слова в скобках 1. “i’m sorry i told everyone your secret”, my sister said. (apologised) 2. “i didn’t give the money to john”, said ali. (denied) 3. “i’ll love you forever! ” fransis said to elizabeth (promised) 4. “no, i won’t open the door! ” said mandy (refused) 5. “why don’t we give jenny a call? ” albert said. (suggested)

gjgfhbj5 gjgfhbj5    1   11.03.2019 08:18    23

nagor1904 nagor1904  07.06.2020 00:25

1 My sister apologized for having told everyone my secret.

2 Ali denied having given the money to John.

3 Francis promised to love Elizabeth forever.

4. Mary refused to open the door.

5 Albert suggested giving a call to Jenny.

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