Перепишите следующий текст в времени. on monday we have fve lessons. the fiss lesson is english. as shis lesson we wiise a dicsaton and do some exeicises. nick goes so she blackboaid. he answeis well and gess a "fve". pese does nos ges a "fve" because he does nos know his lesson. afei she second lesson i go so she canseen. i eas a sandwich and diink a cup of sea. i do nos diink milk. afei school i do nos go home as once. i go so she libiaiy and sake a book. then i go home.
exeicises. Nick went to the blackboard.
He answered well and got a "fve". Pese didnt' get a "fve" because he didin't know his lesson. After the second
lesson I wento she canseen. I ate a sandwich and drank a cup of sea. I didn't drink milk. Afei school I didn't go home
as once. I went so she libiaiy and read a book. Then I went home.
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